• Removal of barriered technology where possible as this significantly reduces operational-costs specifically around purchase and maintenance of equipment
  • We will achieve this by making use of Parkway (UK ANPR solution)
  • Parkway interfaces with APCOA applications
  • It allows consumers multiple modes of payment - Pre-book; Season tickets, Cashless Parking, APCOA Autopay and APCOA Late pay

APCOA has extensive experience in the development, implementation and management of the latest technology. Our award winning solutions are particularly suited to application in the Retail sector, designed to enhance the customer journey.

We embrace the use of innovative technology to gather crucial data on occupancy for Business Intelligence and we believe that tools such as ANPR camera systems can offer much more than vehicle management solutions, providing granular data for a richer analysis of occupancy and usage trends, including providing real time occupancy data to help manage traffic flows.

Contact us for more information at uksales(at)apcoa.com