APCOA equips 7 key sites with state-of-the-art defibrillators


APCOA is pleased to announce the supply of Zoll AED 3 Adult and Paediatric defibrillators at seven of its key sites across the UK. The units, widely regarded as one of the best on the market need no maintenance and are fitted with replaceable batteries with a full five years of standby life.

Units have been supplied to APCOA’s on street Civil Enforcement Officer bases in Southwark and Lambeth,  Manchester Printworks car park, The Moor, Sheffield car park,  APCOA’s Uxbridge head Office, the Wigan Customer Service centre and at APCOA’s first Urban Mobility Hub opened earlier this year in the Welsh town of Carmarthen. These high footfall sites have been selected as the initial priority as defibrillators located here will be accessible to the highest numbers of both employees and members of the public.

Careful siting of these life saving units is important as statistics from The British Heart Foundation  reveal that the chance of surviving a cardiac arrest jumps from 6% to 74% if the casualty is in a shockable rhythm and a defibrillator is deployed within 3 minutes.

Crucially, the Zoll AED 3 units are equipped with visual and audio prompts which can guide the first aider through the process, ensuring that potentially lifesaving action can be taken quickly by the first person on the scene.


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