Competitive bidding process sees APCOA win Stafford Borough Council contract

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APCOA Parking (UK) Ltd has been awarded a new five-year contract to provide Off street enforcement Services on behalf of Stafford Borough Council.

Through a competitive tendering process, APCOA’s innovative and customer focussed approach secured this Contract from well-entrenched incumbents OCS who had delivered this service since 2008. 

The new contract, which comes into effect on the 1st April 2019, will see APCOA's Local Government Enforcement sector working in partnership with the Council to bring about a number of improvements and innovative solutions.

APCOA will be providing a range of services to the Council including Off-Street Parking Enforcement, car park management; inclusive of the Waterfront & Riverside Undercroft car parks, cash collection services and the maintenance of Pay and Display machines. 

Throughout the five-year term, which has the option to extend for a further two twelve month periods, APCOA will draw down on its broad range of parking and mobility management expertise, delivering high quality service for Stafford Borough Council, it’s residents and visitors, whilst generating best value for taxpayers through a range of improvements and service initiatives.

APCOA’s Managing Director Kim Challis said:“The award of this contract, following a highly competitive commercial tender, is a clear demonstration of the quality and value for money offered by APCOA in the UK. The new contract will see Stafford Borough Council and APCOA working in partnership to deliver a step-change in the delivery of these services for the benefit of residents and visitors alike.” 



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