Mae APCOA yn gyfrifol am reoli a gweithredu meysydd parcio gorsafoedd Trafnidiaeth Cymru.

APCOA is taking over the management and operation of Transport for Wales station car parks.


Bydd y newid hwn yn digwydd ddydd Sul 13 Tachwedd 2022.

The change will take place on 13th November 2022.


Beth fydd yn wahanol o 13 Tachwedd ymlaen?
A sut mae hyn yn effeithio arnoch chi?

What will be different from 13th November?
And how does this affect you?




Os ydych chi eisoes wedi cofrestru ar ap Paybyphone, gallwch ddefnyddio’r un manylion i fewngofnodi i’ch cyfrif a defnyddio’r ap i dalu am barcio ar draws holl feysydd parcio gorsafoedd Trafnidiaeth Cymru.


If you are already registered on Paybyphone app, you can use the same details to login to your account and use the app to pay for parking across all Transport for Wales station car parks.


Tocynnau Tymor

Os oes gennych chi docyn tymor yn barod ar gyfer unrhyw feysydd parcio mewn gorsafoedd Trafnidiaeth Cymru sy’n dod i ben ar ôl 13 Tachwedd 2022, bydd eich tocyn tymor yn dal yn ddilys tan y dyddiad y mae’n dod i ben ar hyn o bryd. Gwnewch yn siŵr bod eich tocyn tymor papur yn cael ei ddangos bob amser pan fyddwch chi’n parcio ym maes parcio’r orsaf.

Ewch i wefan Tocyn Tymor APCOA cyn i’ch tocyn tymor ddod i ben er mwyn cofrestru a phrynu tocyn digidol newydd. Bydd modd i chi brynu eich tocyn tymor ar wefan Tocynnau Tymor APCOA o 14 Tachwedd 2022ymlaen.

Season Tickets

If you already have an existing season ticket for any Transport for Wales station car parks which expires after 13th November 2022, your season ticket will still be valid until its current expiry date. Please ensure your paper season ticket is displayed at all times when parking in the station car parks.

Please visit APCOA's Season Ticket website prior to your season ticket expiring to register and purchase a new virtual ticket. You will be able to purchase your season ticket on APCOA's Season Tickets website from 14th November 2022.

Buy your Season Ticket


Bathodyn Glas

Mae’r trwyddedau Bathodyn Glas presennol yn ddilys tan 31 Rhagfyr 2022. Gwnewch yn siŵr bod eich tocyn papur yn cael ei ddangos bob amser pan fyddwch chi’n parcio ym maes parcio’r orsaf.

Bydd angen i bob cwsmer gofrestru a gwneud cais am drwydded ddigidol newydd ar borth Bathodyn Glas APCOA o 1 Ionawr 2023 ymlaen.

Blue Badge

Existing Blue Badge permits are valid until 31st December 2022. Please ensure that your paper permit is displayed at all times when parking in the station car parks.

All customers will need to register and apply for a new virtual permit on APCOA’s Blue Badge portal from 1st January 2023.


Porth Tacsis

Mae’r trwyddedau Tacsi presennol yn ddilys tan 31 Rhagfyr 2022. Gwnewch yn siŵr bod eich tocyn papur yn cael ei ddangos bob amser pan fyddwch chi’n parcio ym maes parcio’r orsaf.

Bydd angen i bob cwsmer gofrestru a gwneud cais am drwydded ddigidol newydd ar borth Tacsis APCOA o 1 Ionawr 2023 ymlaen.

Taxi Portal

Existing Taxi permits are valid until 31st December 2022. Please ensure your paper permit is displayed at all times when parking in the station car parks.

All customers will need to register and apply for a new virtual permit on APCOA’s Taxi portal from 1st January 2023.


Ewch i’n tudalen lanio i gael rhagor o wybodaeth ar 14eg Tachwedd 2022 neu ar ôl hynny.

Visit our landing page for further information on or after 14th November 2022.


Help & Support

If you wish to speak to one of our customer service agents via live chat, please head to our contact us page by clicking here

Live chat is available between the hours of Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm

Or if you have season tickets specific request please, email us by clicking here

Alternatively, please call 03453193542